Celebrating International Day of the African Child + Same Learning Center 8th Anniversary

June was a BIG month for the students and staff of Empower Tanzania’s Same Learning Center, as they celebrated International Day of the African Child on June 16 and Same Learning Center’s 8th Anniversary on June 20!

The International Day of the African Child on June 16 was celebrated locally by the Same District in a town called Makanya (about 30 km south of Same). Our Same Learning Center was invited as one of ten organizations to participate, and 10 students attended with Haleluya Mmwiri (Same Learning Center Manager & Teacher), Lilian Karani (Same Learning Center Teacher) and Todd Byerly (US Executive Director). The District Commissioner for the Same District was in attendance also. The students proudly presented a poem at the event, which was a huge success to celebrate the courage of children and amplify their voices! Empower Tanzania will continue to advocate for the rights of children and work to improve access to quality education.

Maadhimisho ya siku ya Mtoto wa Africka Wilaya ya Same (Swahili) translates to Celebration of the Day of the African Child District of Same (English) | Kauli Mbiu (meaning motto) for this year was "Elimu jumuishi kwa watoto: Izingatie maarifa, maadili na stadi za kazi" (Swahili) translates to Integrated Education for Children: Considers Focus on Knowledge, Values, and Work Skills (English)

Just a few days later, Empower Tanzania hosted a celebration for the 8th Anniversary of the Same Learning Center on June 20! Pictures of this event are below, including the student presentation, cake ritual, Mapokezi team, and opening remarks by Haleluya, who leads the Same Learning Center. Haleluya and the entire team, including Riziki, Mary, and Lilian, did an OUTSTANDING job with this successful event! Many teachers, parents, district officers, directors, and board members attended to support the 40 students who creatively prepared and presented poems, music pieces, and more.⁠ The Same Learning Center is a hub for education that hums with energy!

A huge hooray and THANK YOU to the team for coordinating details of both events to honor and recognize the dedicated children involved in our program at the Same Learning Center!


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